About Our Organization

Welcome Fellow Patriot

My name is Mark Edward Mayfield Sr, and I am the founder of the Big Bear Tea Party Patriots. We are a local chapter of a much larger organization known as the TeaPartyPatriots.Org which is a (PAC) or Political Activist Committee. The Tea Party Patriots have local chapters throughout California, and in many other states a crossed  the entire United States of America.
Our primary objective as a (PAC) or Political Activist Committee is to elect candidates either Republican or Democrat that have the best interest of the citizens of the United States of America in mind in every governmental decision they make, not the self serving decisions of the last decade that have almost destroyed the greatest nation in the world.
The task we aspire to is a monumental undertaking, but we can complete it by becoming more active in every level of government, from local to national. We must as citizens make a stand now if the United States of America and its citizens are ever to enjoy the prosperity of decades gone by.
We as a group know that the road to our goal is going to be a rough one. The enemy has had many years to in trench themselves within the bureaucracy that they themselves created. But we can weed the bureaucrats out one by one until we have achieved a government that is truly "of the people for the people and by the people" the way our founding fathers intended it to be.
You may ask, how are we going to achieve this lofty goal? We will achieve our goal by registering as many voters as possible, who will vote only for candidates that are endorsed by one of the many Tea Party organizations. And by letting our dissatisfaction be heard at the ballot box in the upcoming mid-term election and in the Presidential election in 2012.
In many way we are like the patriots that staged the Boston Tea Party in 1773, we are just expressing our dissatisfaction with the government at the ballot box, rather then by throwing tea into Boston harbor. It worked then and it will work now provided we remain strong and stand our ground just as the patriots of 1773 did so long ago.
In the coming months you will see us as a group becoming more active in the local community, holding voter registration drives, holding rallies and fund raisers and many other political activities to ensure the candidates we endorse at all levels of government have the support they need to be successful in their endeavors to be elected officials of this great nation.
If you are un-familiar with the Tea Party's political objectives and platform are please take a few minutes and visit their respective pages on this blog to familiarize yourself with what we as a group stand for. Once you do we are sure you will join us in our fight to return this country to its rightful owners "The People"

Mark Edward Mayfield Sr.
Founder Big Bear Tea Party Patriots