Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stumping for Democrats, Obama Uses Three Words to Describe America: ‘Big, Messy Democracy’

( – President Barack Obama repeatedly has called the United States a “big, messy Democracy" in his many campaign stops around the country in recent weeks.
Obama apparently is using the expression to defend his administration's difficulty in making "big changes" since he took office almost two years ago. “I know that a lot of times people wonder, gosh, you know, why did it take -- why did health care take so long [to pass]?” Obama said at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) fundraiser in a private home in Providence, R.I on Monday. “Well, this is not a monarchy we live in. This is a democracy. And it’s a big, messy democracy.
“And there’s supposed to be debate, and there’s supposed to be contentiousness, and it’s supposed to be hard to make big changes,” Obama said.
On Oct. 21, The Oregonian reported on Obama's trip to the state to stump for Oregon’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate, John Kitzhaber: "I told you during the campaign it was going to be hard," Obama said on Oct. 20. "Some of you didn't believe me. This is a big, messy democracy and the special interests won't go down without a fight, and sometimes it can wear you down."
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Obama’s Re-election Support Plummets to 39 Percent, Says Gallup

( - Only 39 percent of Americans now believe President Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, according to a Gallup poll conducted Oct. 14-17. That is a steep decline from the 48 percent who told Gallup he deserved reelection in a survey conducted in mid-June.
In the Oct. 14-17 poll, a majority of Americans--54 percent--told Gallup that Obama does not deserve to be re-elected.
In the Oct. 14-17 survey and in three previous polls this year, Gallup asked approximately 1,000 American adults this question: “Please tell me whether you think each of the following political office-holders deserves to be re-elected, or not. How about President Obama?”
In a poll conducted March 26-28, 46 percent said he deserved to be reelected, 50 percent said he did not and 4 percent said they had no opinion.
When Gallup asked the same question in a poll conducted May 24-25, Obama's reelection numbers had marginally improved. Forty-eight percent said he deserved to be reelected, 48 percent said he did not, and 4 percent still had no opinion
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tea Party Protest in Manhattan Calls Upon ‘Liberal Media’ to ‘Tell the Truth’

( – Tea Party activists gathered outside the offices of the New York Times and NBC in Manhattan to protest what they see as a liberal bias at those news outlets. The activists said they were inspired to hold the event because of the Media Research Center’s (MRC) nationwide “Tell The Truth!” campaign, and some MRC members, including President Brent Bozell, attended the rally and spoke about bias in the media.
In explaining the reason for the protest, TeaParty365 said in a press release, “For years, the New York Times and NBC News have been pushing a partisan political agenda and calling it news. Whether on the Trillion Dollar Stimulus, a government takeover of your health care, welfare benefits for illegal aliens or hundreds of other issues, these liberal media outlets have been pushing an agenda in direct opposition to the widely held beliefs of the American People. This can’t go unchallenged any longer.”
The group’s executive director, Paul Affenita, told, “The New York Times portrays us, the Tea Party, in a false manner. They make it sound like were some kind of fringe group, when we’re the exact opposite. And they do not discuss what is really happening with this country. They make it look as if Obama is giving us programs that are working, when they’re not – they’re bankrupting the nation.”
“A great example is the ‘shovel-ready jobs,’” said Affenita. “Obama was hitting the message really hard, ‘We have shovel-ready jobs, we have shovel-ready jobs.’ But then recently he announced there were no shovel-ready jobs.”
“So if the media, instead of just regurgitating the talking points of the Democratic Party and Obama, actually did their job, then people could get the truth,” he said. “And once they got the truth, we feel they could make the right decisions when voting.”
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Friday, October 22, 2010

Three Charts that Will Infuriate Taxpayers Every small-government voter should see these graphs — and vote on Election Day.

With just 12 days until the November 2 elections, pro-market, small-government candidates, activists, and concerned citizens should study and then disseminate three charts that perfectly encapsulate the status quo that, if all goes well, the midterm vote will capsize. The first of these looks as intricate as an integrated circuit. Titled “Your New Health Care System,” this schematic shows how Obamacare’s hundreds of moving parts will fit together and whirl — or not, as rising health costs at Boeing, McDonald’s, and the United Federation of Teachers (to name a few affected organizations) already reveal. Staff members at the Congressional Joint Economic Committee “spent four months, night and day, and weekends” assembling this amazing graphic, Rep. Kevin Brady (R., Texas) tells me by phone. “They vetted it based on all 2,801 pages of the Obamacare legislation. They captured this new law’s stunningly complexity.” Well, almost. Literally scores of icons and symbols show how the president, the secretary of health and human services, the IRS, and other existing federal actors and agencies interact with Obamacare’s new entities including, among many others, the Elder Justice Coordinating Council, the Medicare Prescription Drug and MA-PD Complaint System, and the National Oral Health Public Education Campaign. Even worse, the JEC’s diligent personnel could not fit all of this new law’s boards, commissions, mandates, and other elements onto this chart. So, by way of shorthand, they created “bundles of bureaucracy.” Beyond those functions delineated in the chart, these seven collective symbols respectively represent clusters of four loan repayment and forgiveness programs, four other new regulatory programs, 17 insurance mandates, 19 special-interest provisions, 22 other new bureaucracies, 26 other new demonstration and pilot programs, and 59 other new grant programs. These 151 additional items within Obamacare do not appear individually on this diagram. As Representative Brady explains, “If we included all of these units, this chart would be three times larger.” Anyone who believes the JEC concocted this out of thin air should think again. Beneath each new program or agency, policy analysts cited the section in the Obamacare law that empowers that particular intervention in the American people’s medical decisions. The lines that connect programs to mandates indicate the pertinent passages of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that bind them together.The JEC’s 25-megabyte creation is difficult to transmit via e-mail. However, a convenient link opens a PDF that allows readers to zoom in and explore this chart in amazing and shocking detail. Even those who believe that government actively should heal the American people must wonder if that goal really required something this staggeringly convoluted. As it is, the JEC’s chart is both an incredibly impressive piece of graphic design and a jaw-dropping glimpse of the health-care Hell that awaits the American people, unless they elect a new Congress to shutter this entire fiasco before it renders this republic irretrievably ill.
This post is the entire first page of the article to view the second page please use the link below. As a responcible voter you should read this entire article before voting.

Source: National Review Online Author: Deroy Murdock to read the entire article please Click Here

Illegal Immigrants Canvassing for Votes in Washington State

Seattle (AP) - When Maria Gianni is knocking on voters' doors, she's not bashful about telling people she is in the country illegally. She knows it's a risk to advertise to strangers that she's here illegally -- but one worth taking in what she sees as a crucial election. The 42-year-old is one of dozens of volunteers -- many of them illegal immigrants -- canvassing neighborhoods in the Seattle area trying to get naturalized citizens to cast a ballot for candidates like Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, who is in a neck-and-neck race with Republican Dino Rossi. Pramila Jayapal, head of OneAmerica Votes, says the campaign is about empowering immigrants who may not feel like they can contribute to a campaign because they can't vote.
"Immigrants really do matter," Jayapal said. "If we can't vote ourselves, we're gonna knock on doors, or get family members to vote."
So far the illegal immigrants going door-to-door aren't meeting opposition. Craig Keller, an organizer for Respect WA, a group pushing for stricter immigration law in the Washington, said he doesn't mind illegal immigrants volunteering for vote drives, he just wants to make sure mistakes on the voter rolls don't allow them to vote.
"Anybody can go out and wave a sign, but when it comes to who's making the choices, there's no question they need to be citizens," Keller said.
In close elections across the country, the immigrant and minority vote is considered key for candidates, especially Democrats.
Earlier this week in Nevada, a television ad urging Latinos not to vote sparked outcry from Democrats, who called it a dirty trick meant to keep Hispanics home and boost Republican candidates. Univision and Telemundo -- the nation's two largest Spanish-language networks -- canceled the ad, which the Republican group Latinos for Reform had planned to eventually run in Nevada, Florida, California, Texas and Colorado through the Nov. 2 election.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tea Party Urges Drastic Budget Cuts

"Tea party" activists are exhibiting a fervor for budget cuts not seen in years, pushing to slash everything from Social Security to unemployment benefits in their drive to cut the burgeoning federal debt. But while applauding their budget-cutting zeal, economists are divided over whether their prescription is good medicine for a weak economy. Some say it's reminiscent of President Hoover's drive to balance the budget during the Great Depression — and would backfire this time as well. Tea party groups and candidates, while fractious at times, are mostly united in their demands for a smaller government that would provide less of the so-called "safety net" programs for senior citizens, the unemployed, the disabled and other groups that have become heavily dependent on government benefits. Sharron Angle, a tea-party-inspired Republican opponent of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, for example, has called for the privatization of Social Security, while other candidates have questioned the constitutionality of unemployment and welfare benefits despite an unemployment rate hovering near 10 percent. A poll by Bloomberg News has found that solid majorities of tea party activists and sympathizers favor raising the retirement age for eligibility for Social Security and Medicare. That contrasts with the fewer than half of all likely voters that support such measures, the poll found. While this country has not seen such attempts to control spending since Republicans took control of Congress in 1994, Britain, Spain, Greece and other European nations this year have been forced by the threat of a widening debt crisis to slash their public welfare programs — often in the face of fierce public protest. The tea party movement appears to be the only constituency for such drastic action in the U.S. While most American voters are focused on the economy and what the government can do to make things better, tea party supporters view the public debt — not the economy — as the most important issue facing the country. Nearly two-thirds of tea party supporters would consider cutting spending on roads and bridges as well as research funding for Alzheimer's and other diseases to narrow the $1.3 trillion budget deficit, Bloomberg found. In placing overwhelming importance on taming the debt, the tea party agenda runs counter to conventional economic wisdom. Most economists say the economy could not endure draconian budget cuts at this time, and many favor providing further stimulus through temporary spending programs or tax cuts. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke spoke for most in his field when he advised Congress earlier this year to avoid big spending cuts now, but lay plans to gradually rein in spending on entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare over the next five to 10 years, when he thinks the growing debt will be more of a problem for the economy. "The tea party's demands to balance the budget and reduce the federal deficit aren't merely misguided, but dangerous, and would cause the worst depression in history," said Warren Mosler, a former investment manager and monetary policy expert who describes himself as a former tea party Democrat. "I have been, and continue to be, a strong supporter of the core tea party values of lower taxes, limited government, competitive market solutions, and a return to personal responsibility," he said. "However, their proposals to balance the budget are the same suicidal policies that caused six horrible depressions in the U.S. over the past 200 years." With the economy barely recovering from the deepest recession since World War II, Mr. Mosler said, now is not the time to abruptly remove $1 trillion in government spending that has been propping up consumer spending and the overall economy.
Source: NewsMax.Com By: Patrice Hill to read entire article please Click Here

Why I Won't Be Reading The NAACP's Report On Tea Party Racism

Nothing is more reactionary in America today than identity politics, and there is no better example of this than the NAACP. The organization was of great importance in its day, but there is a strong argument to be made it should no longer exist.
Do I have a right to say such a thing? Well, I was a civil rights worker in the South in the sixties, lost the full use of my finger there, went on to be a significant financial supporter of the Black Panther breakfast program in the seventies…. Is that enough?
Maybe, maybe not, but whatever you think of me, the NAACP has become a creator, not a fighter, of racism. They are in the racism business, fanning the flames in order to survive, and I won’t be reading their shameful, phony propagandistic report on the supposed bigotry in the Tea Party movement just being issued today in time for the election. Life is too short. If it were centuries long, it would be too short.
But am I attacking this report without reading it? Indeed I am. If Nancy Pelosi can shove through Congress sweeping health care legislation that changes the economy of our country without reading it, I certainly can attack some trivial report on my little Internet blog after only glancing at the first paragraph and the names of the authors.
There is, however, a serious issue represented by this report. We have come to a moment in our national development when identity based organizations like the NAACP have a strong vested interest in impeding progress, especially for the groups they purport to represent. If things get better for black people, the NAACP has no reason for being — or must devolve into some kind of social club.
I've taken the liberty of linking the NAACP's name in this article to a pdf copy of the report if you would like to read it. However, as for myself I won't be wasting my time either. And I wholeheartedly agree with Mr Simon's opinion. This report is utter nonsense and a waste of time. The Tea Party movement has nothing to do with Racism, and that's the bottom line.  
Source: Roger L. Simon to read entire article please Click Here

AZ Governor: Obama, Calderon Both Want Illegal Immigration to Continue to Increase Liberal Vote in U.S.

( - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer told that she believes neither President Barack Obama of the United States nor President Felipe Calderon of Mexico wants to secure the U.S.-Mexico border because they hope illegal aliens will increase liberal voters in the United States. “I think it’s just amazing that the Mexican government, along with President Calderon and the bordering governors that interact with us, they do not want our borders secure,” Brewer said in a telephone interview today. “I mean, they have made it very, very clear.”
When asked why she believed Calderon does not want the U.S.-Mexico border secured, Brewer said, “I believe that he believes that he is helping out the federal administration and they are looking at it in a political mode to bring in newly registered illegal immigrants to register to vote.”
Brewer, a Republican, also said Calderon “wants those dollars that they are raising here in Arizona and in all America being sent back to Mexico to push up his economy.”
Asked whether she thinks Calderon wants Mexican citizens to vote in U.S. elections after they have been given an amnesty and have become citizens of the United States or while they are still illegal aliens, Brewer said: “Probably both.”

Brewer said she does not believe President Barack Obama wants to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and that he wants both an amnesty for illegal aliens and a continuing flow of illegal aliens across the border because he believes that will increase the liberal voting bloc in the United States.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tea partiers won't go when fun ends

In only 21 months, the tea party has exploded from a handful of scattered, spontaneous rallies into a full-fledged national movement capable of throwing out incumbents. Challenging entrenched Washington habits, it is a force both parties must reckon with. Skeptics and opponents, however, continue to ask two basic questions. First, does the tea party have any real philosophical depth, a historical pedigree? Second, will its force dissipate after the elections? In short, critics accept that the tea party has a present — but they question whether it has a past and a future. Yes and yes. Yes, the tea party has a pedigree as old as our nation, and yes, we think it is likely to continue to play a significant role in politics after Nov. 2. People in both parties who hope to wish it away and continue business as usual had better think twice. Americans have been disappointed by leaders in both parties who campaigned to right past wrongs and then, after getting to Washington, cared more about power than promises. Tea party supporters care more about principle than party labels or politics. Tea party members voice the kinds of concerns that even some of President Barack Obama’s former supporters are beginning to raise. As one Obama voter asked the president at a recent town hall, “Is the American dream dead for me?” These are the questions Americans are asking nationwide — in their kitchens, church halls and ballparks. These are the concerns expressed at tea party rallies everywhere.
Source: Politco.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Palin Teases Reno Crowd about Presidential Run

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Sarah Palin launched a two-week run of tea party rallies Monday leading up to the election and teased supporters about a possible presidential run for herself, saying "we can see 2012 from our house." The remark came as the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee — who has not public committed to seeking higher office — launched a 15-day Tea Party Express coast-to-coast campaign tour Monday, hoping to capitalize on government discontent and unify conservatives before the Nov. 2 election. Headlining a rally outside county GOP headquarters, Palin told more than 500 people that common sense is an "endangered species" in Washington, D.C., and they should "keep the faith" as they go to the polls Nov. 2. She endorsed Republican Sharron Angle, a tea party-backed candidate locked in a tight race in Nevada against Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "Tea Party Americans, you are winning, you are turning this country's political landscape upside down ... and the left just doesn't know what to do with you," Palin said to cheers. Angle couldn't attend because the national tea party committee based in California has made independent expenditures on her behalf, and federal laws prohibit coordination between campaigns and independent groups. In a moment of self-deprecation, Palin told the crowd, "I can see November from my house," a reference to a comedy skit over her qualifications for vice president when she said she could see Russia from Alaska. Then, looking to the next presidential election two years from now, Palin said, "Mr. Obama, and your czars, you're next because we can see 2012 from our house." The Tea Party Express tour was headed to Elko later Monday, then on to Ely and Las Vegas on Tuesday. It has scheduled stops in 15 states before it ends Nov. 1 in New Hampshire.
Source: NewsMax.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Obama's Border Patrol Chief: Give Illegals ‘Road to Citizenship,’ Let Mexicans Work Here Legally in Future

( - U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan Bersin, who oversees both the Customs Service and the Border Patrol, says the United States needs to undertake a “paradigm shift” in how it views the U.S.-Mexico border. This shift, Bersin explained in a speech last Thursday at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., would include both a “road to citizenship” for illegal aliens and understanding that the “best way” to secure the border is to allow Mexicans to work in the United States legally in the future—to create what he called “a legitimate labor market between the United States and Mexico.”On Monday, a CBP spokesperson told that what Bersin meant by this was “having a temporary worker program that is conducive to our labor needs.”  The unemployment rate in the United States was at 9.6 percent in September and has been at 9.5 percent or higher since August 2009, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Monday, October 18, 2010

Nevada's Angle May Emerge as Biggest Dragon Slayer in New Senate

The stakes are high on Nov. 2 for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. But for his GOP challenger, Sharron Angle, the stakes might actually be higher. If she defeats Reid on Nov. 2, Angle will become more than the junior senator from Nevada. She'll be widely embraced by Republicans as a folk hero who rose from obscurity to topple one of the most powerful, and partisan, Democrats in Washington. “It’s a whole range of things,” said Jon Ralston, a top expert in Nevada politics. “Familiarity breeds contempt. He’s (Reid) not charismatic. He’s said all kinds of things over the years that have come back to haunt him. The Democratic agenda is unpopular in this state, and he is the face of that. You put it all together and you have a guy who would be dead in re-election if not for one, his own money and machine and two, the candidate who has been nominated to face him.” Ralston also believes that Angle won the debate last week that pitted a seeming political novice against one of the most powerful politicians in the United States. “Angle won because she looked relatively credible, appearing not to be the Wicked Witch of the West (Christine O'Donnell is the good witch of the tea party) and scoring many more rhetorical points,” he wrote Sunday in The Reno Gazette-Journal. “And she won because U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., looked as if he could barely stay on a linear argument, abruptly switching gears and failing to effectively parry or thrust.” But the paper Sunday endorsed Reid over Angle. And so it has gone for Angle, 61, a one-time longshot who has, more than most candidates this year, benefited from the anti-establishment wave coursing through the electorate. She catapulted past two prominent and well-funded opponents in the GOP primary by positioning herself as a conservative die-hard who would not carry water in Washington for party insiders. Angle has been known as an ideologically-driven loner throughout her political career. During seven years in the state's 42-member assembly, Angle voted "no" so often on matters of wide consensus that votes were often called as "41-to-Angle."
Source: NewsMax.Com to read entire article please Click Here

We've Made Defeat of Harry Reid Our #1 Priority

More polls show that Sharron Angle has now taken a small lead over Harry Reid. We here at the Tea Party Express have already spent over $1 Million in our campaign to "Defeat Harry Reid" and elect Sharron Angle. But now the finish line is in sight and we must give it everything we have to win. You can do your part to help us win this race by making a contribution to Sharron Angle's campaign state senate today.
(AP) - Republican Sharron Angle claims Democrat Harry Reid gave Viagra to convicted child molesters in the ugliest ad yet in Nevada's contentious U.S. Senate race. In the TV spot, Angle alleges that the federal health care bill that Reid voted for allows convicted child molesters and sex offenders to use taxpayer dollars to pay for Viagra. The ad asks, "What else could you ever need to know about Harry Reid?" The health care law does not single out child molesters. Reid and many other Democrats, however, did shoot down a Republican effort to kill the bill by introducing an amendment to block the sale of Viagra to sexual predators. In other ads, Reid has said Angle supports sending jobs overseas and Angle has called Reid an ally of illegal immigrants.We need 813 more people who can contribute $100 or more within the next 72 hours. Here's one of the TV ads that we've been running that's proven most effective in moving the poll numbers in favor of Sharron Angle over Harry Reid: Take a moment to view the video below to see why we need to defeat Harry Reid now before he has a chance to do more damage to this country and its citizens with his overly liberal views.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

President Obama’s faithful losing hope as the magic fades

This president gives rousing speeches. He did it again yesterday. He bounded out onto the Hynes Convention Center stage, all youth and vigor, open-necked white shirt, navy blazer. But he didn’t sell me, or reassure me. And he obviously knows he’s having trouble connecting — even with true believers. He talked about this yesterday: the “fun” and “feeling good” and overwhelming optimism of Inauguration Day vs. the undercurrent of skepticism now.Remember? Obama was JFK, RFK and MLK rolled into one. He was a once-in-a-generation superstar. The savior had been born. What happened? “I know that hope may have faded as we grind it out. I know it’s hard to keep faith,” he said yesterday, “with another foreclosure sign hung on the house down the street, and you watch TV and all you see are politicians tearing each other down. “(The Republicans) figured they could ride people’s frustration and anger all the way to the ballot box,” he said. Alas for Obama, it looks like Republicans figured right. Here’s one emotion loose upon the land that Obama neglected to mention: fear. Barack Obama offered up this metaphor yesterday: America’s a car that Republicans drove into a ditch.Then along came Obama and the Democrats. “We put our boots on and went down into the ditch, and we started pushing that car out,” the president told the cheering crowd. “It was hot down there and muddy, but we kept on pushing. And every once in a while we looked up and the Republicans are standing up there tanning themselves, sipping Slurpees, and we say, ‘Hey, are you gonna help?”
Source: Boston Herald.Com to read entire article please Click Here

The Tea Party Express IV: Liberty at the Ballot Box! Tour

Join us for the most important Tea Party Express national tour to date. Starting October 18th, 2010 with a Super Rally in Reno, NV we will take this message across the nation ending in Concord, New Hampshire on November 1, 2010 – the day before the big Mid-Term elections.
“You, the politicians in Washington, have failed We The People with your bailouts, out-of-control deficit spending, government takeovers of sectors of the economy, Cap & Trade, government-run health care, and higher taxes! If you thought we were just going to quietly go away, or that this tea party movement would be just a passing fad, you were mistaken. We’re taking our country back!” Join us from October 18, 2010 – November 1, 2010 as we tell Congress and the White House: “Enough!”

Dozens of Tea Party Hopefuls in Close Races

Los Angeles (AP) - Weeks from the elections, the tea party has proven it's no flash in the pan. More than 70 of its candidates are on ballots from coast to coast, and nearly three dozen are locked in competitive House races, according to a state-by-state analysis by The Associated Press.From the hundreds of conservative activists who took up the cause in races this year, these candidates -- mostly Republicans -- emerged to capture nominations and are running with the support of loosely organized tea party groups that are furious at the government.
Some of the candidates are political newcomers who have struggled to organize and raise money and have little chance of winning on Nov. 2. In some states, tea party groups are divided over whether to even back candidates or become active in campaigns.
But about 35 candidates appear to be waging viable campaigns that have put them ahead or within striking distance of their opponents, according to the AP analysis.
Candidates with tea party ties are favored to win in Republican-leaning districts in Indiana and South Carolina. Several are running strong in a number of rural districts in the West and the suburbs of several major cities. Three candidates aligned with the tea party are in tight races in Michigan, which has the second highest unemployment rate in the nation at 13.1 percent.
The prospects for the tea party candidates have stirred anxious debate in both political parties. And their legions of backers have Democrats fearing that 2010 could be the reverse of 2008, when Democrats attracted 15 million first-time voters who helped the party win control of the White House and Congress.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Tea Party Proves to Be a Political Force with Staying Power

LOS ANGELES – Doubters who thought the tea party would fade away can forget it. More than 70 of its favored candidates are on Nov. 2 ballots, and nearly three dozen are locked in competitive House races, according to a state-by-state analysis by The Associated Press. From the hundreds of conservative activists who took up the cause in races this year, these candidates — mostly Republicans — emerged to capture nominations and are running with the support of loosely organized tea party groups that are furious at the government.
Some of the candidates are political newcomers who have struggled to organize and raise money and have little chance of winning election. In some states, tea party groups have been divided over whether to even back candidates or become active in campaigns.
But about 35 candidates appear to be waging campaigns that have put them ahead or within striking distance of their opponents, according to the AP analysis.
Candidates with tea party ties are favored to win in Republican-leaning districts in Indiana and South Carolina. Several are running strong in rural districts in the West and the suburbs of several major cities. Three candidates aligned with the tea party are in tight races in Michigan, which has the second highest unemployment rate in the nation at 13.1 percent. The tea party's legions of backers have Democrats fearing that 2010 could be the reverse of 2008, when 15 million first-time voters helped the Democrats win control of the White House as well as Congress.
Source: NewsMax.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rash of Decapitations Hit U.S.-Mexico Border City This Week

TIJUANA, Mexico — A rash of decapitations and other gruesome killings have hit Tijuana since Mexican President Felipe Calderon visited the border city last week and called it a success in his drug war.The most recent killing occurred just before midnight Tuesday when motorists found a decapitated body underneath a bridge on a road leading to the beachside neighborhood of Playas de Tijuana, according to a police report Wednesday. Reporters at the scene saw a rope hanging from the bridge, suggesting the man had been hung from his feet but was too heavy and plunged into oncoming traffic. The discovery came a day after two other beheaded bodies were found hanging from their feet in Tijuana. Police said they were still conducting forensic tests on the body found Tuesday and had no immediate comment on the identity of the man or the circumstances of his death. Earlier Tuesday, police found a human head inside a bag in another Tijuana neighborhood, but it did not belong to the body found underneath the bridge. According to police reports, at least 16 people have been killed in the city since Sunday — a surge from the normal rate of about two homicides a day. Some resident feared the cartels were trying to send a message just as the city is trying to promote itself to the outside world. Calderon last week inaugurated "Innovative Tijuana," a two-week festival featuring discussions on aerospace, auotomotives and other industries that drive the city's economy. Former Vice President Al Gore is scheduled to give a speech about the environment as part of the festival Thursday. "Obviously, they don't want it to seem like we are a society of good people. That's why they are doing these things again," said Victoria Perez Bernal, a retired dentist who along with 2,000 others attended the inauguration of the festival last week. "But what they don't know is that people are tired of this and we are starting to get organized." Violence peaked in Tijuana in 2008 amid a showdown between two crime bosses — Fernando "The Engineer" Sanchez Arellano and Teodoro "El Teo" Garcia Simental, a renegade lieutenant who rose through the ranks by dissolving bodies in vats of lye.Garcia was arrested last January. While killings have continued, the most gruesome displays of cartel violence — decapitations, hangings and daylight shootouts — had subsided. That sort of violence has continued to plague other cities in Mexico's northern states of Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. "These hangings from bridges, heads, shootouts ... it hadn't happened for a long time," said Hector Elizaga, 40, who works at a Tijuana company that imports cars. "It seems like they are telling the president: 'What control? We are still in charge here.'"
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

DHS Alerted AZ Sheriffs That Mexican Drug Cartel Was Sending Assassins Into Arizona Valley, Then Did No More Than Set Up Signs To Warn Travelers Away

( – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned Arizona law enforcement officials in May that Mexican drug cartels were deploying assassins to kill bandits highjacking their drug loads in the Vekol Valley, 70 miles inside Arizona. Then the federal government set up signs in the region to warn American citizens away from this area of U.S. sovereign territory.  That local law enforcement would be left to confront agents of a foreign cartel coming across the international border of the United States to carry out a deadly drug war on U.S. soil is further evidence that the federal government is not doing its duty to secure the border, said Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu.
“This is confirmed intelligence that Mexican drug cartels are now working in concert to protect their drug loads in the United States, literally, to send well-armed, military trained--even with ballistic vests--up to my county,” Babeu told
“This clearly is no longer a public safety issue,” he said. “This is a national security issue. The violence is bleeding into America and we must stop it.”
The DHS sent an e-mail on May 13, 2010 to several law enforcement agencies warning that Mexican drug cartels were deploying “sicarios” (assassins) into the western part of Pinal County, Ariz., to “take out” bandits that were robbing drug smugglers who had entered the United States from Mexico through the Arizona desert.
The e-mail was sent on May 13, 2010, and made public this Friday, Oct. 15, after local media in Arizona obtained the e-mail and questioned local law enforcement about it.
Babeu said that until now the e-mail was kept private because it was considered “law enforcement sensitive.” But Babeu, a critic of the Obama administration’s handling of immigration and border security issues, said he released it today because it constitutes further evidence that the government is not protecting Americans from the threats posed by a porous border.
“This is unacceptable for our federal government not to secure the border and not to respond to these threats,” Babeu told “How has it become in America [that] local sheriffs and law enforcement have to go up onto hillsides and pull people out of caves and take lookouts and scouts, who have binoculars, and night vision, and communication devices which are encrypted and rolling – they said so, right in the memo.”
The May 13 e-mail reads, in part: “We just received information from a proven credible confidential source who reported that last weekend, a meeting was held in Puerto Penasco in which every smuggling organization who utilized the Vekol Valley was told to attend. This included rival groups within the Guzman cartel.
“It was decided that the cartel would send a group of fifteen, very well equipped and armed sicarios complete with bullet proof vests, into the Vekol Valley” the e-mail continues. “The Cartel has a map of where the most bandit activity has been occurring. The group will walk into the valley taking four days to get into LPOP positions and communicate back to Penasco. Penasco will then send groups of simulated backpackers carrying empty boxes covered with burlap into the Vekol Valley to draw out the bandits. Once the bandits have been identified, the sicarios will take out the bandits.”
“Incidentally” the e-mail continues,” the night of the Vekol Valley shooting, we received information from a source who reported that the scouts in the valley (the Cartel has 23 scout locations with rolling encryption) were reporting that bandits had shot two sheriff’s deputies and the area was covered with cops.”
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sharron Angle Tells Harry Reid to ‘Man Up’ in Contentious Debate

Las Vegas (AP) - Sixty minutes, two candidates and not a single moment of agreement. Instead, Republican Sharron Angle taunted Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to "man up" Thursday night in their only debate of a close, caustic and costly race. Speaking more softly, Reid called her extreme, an ally of the special interests and advocate for jettisoning government agencies that millions of Nevadans rely on. "We can't trust you with taxes," the tea party-backed Angle said near the end of their 60 shared minutes on a debate stage, returning to an allegation made nearly an hour earlier that he had voted to raise taxes 300 times. Reid said in fact he and fellow Democrats had voted to cut taxes for 95 percent of all Nevadans and Americans in the past two years, and to reduce the burden on small businesses eight times. Later, it was his turn to attack, blending the national and the local as he did. Angle "wants to privatize the Veterans Administration. Think about that," he said, adding that a new state-of-the-art VA hospital would soon open in the state, the first in decades. "I worked hard on it," he said, referring to a facility that will be available to serve Nevada's estimated 246,000 military veterans
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article Click Here

Thursday, October 14, 2010

College Students' Enthusiasm for Obama Wanes, Poll Shows

Washington (AP) - The Obamamania that gripped college campuses two years ago is gone. An Associated Press-mtvU poll found college students cooling in their support for President Barack Obama, a fresh sign of trouble for Democrats struggling to rekindle enthusiasm among many of these newest voters for the crucial midterm elections in three weeks. Forty-four percent of students approve of the job Obama is doing as president, while 27 percent are unhappy with his stewardship, according to the survey conducted late last month. That's a significant drop from the 60 percent who gave the president high marks in a May 2009 poll. Only 15 percent had a negative opinion back then. It's not just students. Obama's support from many groups has ebbed since his early months in office because of persistently high unemployment and opposition to his plans to revive the economy and overhaul the health care system. But his diminished backing from college students raises further questions about whether the Democrats' efforts to rally them -- and other loyal supporters such as blacks and union members -- will be enough to prevent Republicans from winning control of Congress in the Nov. 2 elections.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Palin Warns of ‘Armageddon,' 'Third World War' in Exclusive Newsmax Broadcast

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, in an exclusive interview airing at 1 p.m. Tuesday on, discusses her staunch opposition to President Barack Obama's healthcare plans and socialistic policies, and reveals new details about a possible presidential run in 2012. She also warns that allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons may "lead to Armageddon" — a scenario that could lead to the deaths of millions in a Third World War. Palin's comments came as Newsmax launched a special series of online webcasts entitled "Make America Great Again" — a title taken from Ronald Reagan’s campaign slogan when he was elected president in 1980.Hosting the Newsmax series, which will continue to Election Day, is Newsmax contributor Michael Reagan, the eldest son of the late president. The kick-off event for the series is Reagan's half-hour, sit-down interview with Gov. Palin. Though the Newsmax interview has yet to be released, some of Palin’s revelations during the discussion already have made major headlines in the national media.

Source: NewsMax.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Al-Qaida in Yemen Publishes Tips on How to Kill Americans

Washington (AP) - Yemen's al-Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula is offering chilling magazine tips to would-be militants on how to kill Americans. "A random hit at a crowded restaurant in Washington, D.C. at lunch…might end up knocking out a few government employees," writes one of the authors in the second edition of the group's online, English-language magazine, according to the private SITE Intelligence Group.The SITE group says it studies, tracks and analyzes the global jihadist network and terrorism financing. The article in the 74-page October issue of Inspire, launched in July, came out just in time for the 10th anniversary of the USS Cole bombing. It shows the group "is not under significant pressure," says Brookings Institution terror expert Bruce Riedel. Al-Qaida suicide bombers attacked the U.S. destroyer in a Yemen port on Oct. 12, 2000, killing 17 American sailors. Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula has taken root in Yemen's remote and mountainous Shabwa province, far from the reach of the country's weak central government. The group rose toward the top of the security agenda of the United States and other world powers after it was linked to the failed Christmas Day attempt to down a Detroit-bound U.S. airliner. The would-be bomber had explosives sewn into his underwear.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sarah Palin Visits Newsmax for Webcast Role to 'Make America Great Again'

Former Alaska Gov. and GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin visited Newsmax Media headquarters on Wednesday in West Palm Beach, Fla., to help launch Newsmax’s “Make America Great Again” campaign and webcast. Newsmax founder and CEO Christopher Ruddy organized the exclusive Web series, which will feature Palin and top political analysts from around the country discussing the values and policies that made America the "shining city on a hill" that President Ronald Reagan spoke of so often. The charismatic Palin toured the Newsmax headquarters, taking time to shake hands and visit with Newsmax employees. Staffers were impressed that she wanted to know the name of each person she greeted. She also acknowledged personal touches, commenting, “Look at all those kids,” as she surveyed the collection of family photos on one worker’s desk. Palin also appreciated Newsmax staffers' shout-outs of encouragement for one of her own kids: Bristol, in her quest to the win the "Dancing with the Stars" competition on ABC-TV. Palin, who calls her daughter "Bristol the Pistol," said the contest is providing a "sweet diversion." 
Source: NewsMax.Com to read entire article please Click Here

At 54 Percent of Likely Voters, Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals, Moderates—and Republicans

Based on polling conducted Sept. 23 to Oct. 3, Gallup now estimates that 54 percent of “likely voters” for the Nov. 2 election are self-professed conservatives. If Gallup’s estimate holds up, self-professed conservative voters in this year’s midterm congressional election will outnumber self-professed liberals (18 percent of Gallup’s “likely voter” pool) by 3-to-1, and self-professed moderates (27 percent of Gallup’s “likely voter” pool) by 2-to-1. The 54 percent of likely voters who Gallup says are conservatives also out-number the Republicans, whom Gallup estimates make up 39 percent of likely voters. Independents, according to Gallup, account for 31 percent of likely voters, while Democrats account for 30 percent.In the previous four midterm elections, according to Gallup, conservatives have never been a majority of the likely voters. In 1994, when Republicans won a majority of both houses of Congress for the first time in more than four decades, conservatives and Republicans were more evenly matched among likely voters than they are now, according to Gallup. That year, conservatives were 40 percent of likely voters and Republicans were 38 percent. Self-described moderates, meanwhile, were 48 percent of likely voters in 1994, thus outnumbering both conservatives and Republicans in that election.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Obama Will Not Change Course

We knew before he was elected that Barack Obama was the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate.  We knew that for 20 years he listened to the anti-white, anti-capitalist ravings of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. and considered him his mentor.  We knew that beyond getting some of the asbestos removed from one public housing project in Chicago, he had never actually accomplished anything beyond getting himself elected. It therefore should not have come as a surprise that Obama’s policies have been neither effective nor popular with a country that leans to the right of center. But what has remained a mystery is why Obama has not changed course now that it’s become apparent that his presidency is failing and that he likely will be a one-term president.
The answer became clear last week when Obama called for patience in judging his policies. He compared what he is trying to do to freeing the slaves.
“In every instance, progress took time,” Obama said. “You know, the slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs, they weren’t sure when slavery would end, but they understood it was going to end.” In his remarks on leaving the White House as chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel echoed that theme. He called Obama “the toughest leader any country could ask for in the toughest time any president has ever faced.”
Source: NewsMax.Com to read entire article Click Here

Liberal Analysts use Poll Results to Brand Tea Party Members as Racists

Washington ( – A new survey on the tea party movement says tea party supporters are “more comfortable with white privilege,” according to a panel member who helped analyze the data. The survey, which analyzes the movement and its ties to the “religious right,” was conducted between Sept. 1 and Sept. 15, 2010 from among 3,013 randomly selected people contacted by telephone. The survey shows that 80 percent of respondents who said they considered themselves supporters of the tea party are non-Hispanic or white.
Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, an ordained minister, theology professor and senior fellow at the liberal Center for American Progress, said the data indicates anxiety about the changing racial landscape in America, where white people are projected to be a minority by 2050. She said that is part of the appeal of TV and radio personality Glenn Beck, who is trying to “redefine whiteness” by making this group victims of discrimination.
“I can generalize and say those attracted to the tea party are more comfortable with white privilege as a value and believe that leveling the playing field for minorities is not the business of government,” Thistlethwaite said Tuesday at the Brookings Institution.
Thistlethwaite, who said she talked to a number of people at a tea party event in Chicago, said this value is in conflict with those of charitable Evangelical Christians who work in the U.S. and abroad to help people in need. Anxieties about the economy, threats to male breadwinners and the “changing demographics of the American racial landscape” are among the elements that define the tea party movement, Thistlethwaite said.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read the entire article Click Here

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Christine O'Donnell for United States Senate

Dear Patriot:

The charade is over.

We all knew that my opponent couldn’t hide behind the failed policies of Obama, Pelosi and Reid forever. Even the liberal media led by Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann can't cover up the truth.

I’ve been a hard-working citizen, who is only running so we can finally get the real change we need in Washington. My opponent has been a politician for years and is running away from his record. Since he has been in a leadership position on the New Castle County Council, spending has risen 33 percent.

Consider this: In 2009, while my opponent was a County Executive, he proposed a 25% property tax increase. Believe it or not, during a time of economic crisis, his plan was to raise taxes on homes and businesses by 25%! It wasn't to cut government, that's for sure.

Will you donate today to help expose his record?

But he was only getting started. During his tenure as County Executive, my opponent proposed raising property taxes a total of 47%! I can’t even imagine what he’ll do when times are good.

We already knew that my opponent will be a lap dog for Harry Reid. In fact, Harry Reid called my opponent “his pet”. But it appears he doesn't need Reid's influence to support more big government.

Instead of another Obama lap dog, we need real political leaders in Washington that will fight against the Obama, Pelosi and Reid agenda. Help me lead the charge against liberals in Washington by donating $100, $75, $50 or $35!
It’s obvious that Barack Obama and his cronies think they can just bully my opponent around to do what they say – and by his tax record, he’ll go along with it!

You know who the Democrats won’t push around?


We will not stand idle while the Democrats try their hardest to raid our hard-earned retirements. We will not sit by and watch Washington liberals give special perks to their cronies. I will not tolerate their liberal policies and I know you won’t either.

Time is running out for us to clean the Democrats out of Washington. You’ve read about my opponent’s tax record. Do we want more tax and spenders like this in DC?

This election, our country faces an immense decision. Keep more of the same politics as usual in Washington or truly change the disastrous course our country is currently on. Please help me change the course of America by donating $100, $75, $50 or even $35 to our cause.
Help me show the Democrats that we won’t be pushed around. The election is just around the corner and we must finish this campaign strong!


P.S. Our country cannot sustain what the Democrats are doing to it for much longer! Please help me fight for what’s right by donating $100, $75, $50 or even $35 today. 

Limbaugh: Democrats Fear "Loser" O'Donnell

I read hundreds of emails each day looking for content for this blog and another website that I publish. I read this one very early this morning, so I was still half a sleep so the question Mr Limbaugh asked didn't really provoke any thought on my part until I had drank a few cups of coffee and I was fully awake. Once my mind was working I ask myself why are the Democrats spending millions of dollars to defend one seat from a Tea Party Candidate that they seem to be sure is going to lose? It doesn't make any sense, unless their not as sure as they want the voters in Delaware to believe they are. The fact of the matter is that she "Donnell's" got the democrats scrambling and trying what ever they can to to discredit her and get her out of the race for that one lowly senate seat in Delaware, the answer is their afraid of her and what she stands for. And she can win and is well on the way to doing so. The following is the email that posed the question you read it for yourself and see what conclusion you come to.
Dear Newsmax Reader
Rush Limbaugh recently asked if Christine O'Donnell is supposedly guaranteed to loose her race for a U.S. Senate seat from Delaware, why are Democrats spending so much money to defeat her?
Here's what Rush said "why are the Democrats in the Senate spending more money on negative ads against Christine O'Donnell? I mean why? Why are they doing this? If she is a sure, certain loser, why are the doing this? Somebody explain to me why the Democrats are spending so much more money than they planned on in Delaware against a sure loser like Christine O'Donnell"?
The answer is simple the Democrats know that Christine O'Donnell CAN WIN!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flag of Islam Will Fly Over the White House

Americans, especially the Left, have this odd disposition of not believing what other people tell us about themselves. It took a long time before Americans finally believed what Hitler and the Nazis had said about their empire ambitions and about the Jews. Today, we’re doing it again — not taking seriously what Muslims say about Islam and their intent. Anjem Choudary is a radical Muslim and spokesman for the now-banned extremist Islamist group Islam4UK. Trained as a lawyer, Choudary praises Muslim terrorists and recruits Muslim trainees leaving the UK to fight abroad. Their training involves guns and live ammunition. Choudary is not from some Arabic country in the Middle East. Instead, he’s a home grown fanatic, born in 1967 in Welling, England.
In this video Choudary says the following:
“Islam has a solution for all the problems mankind faces…. This idea that you have moderate Muslims and radical Muslims is complete nonsense. A Muslim is one who submits to the commands of the Creator. If he submits, he’s a practicing Muslim. If he does not, then he should be practicing…you can’t be a non-practicing vegetarian. Therefore, similarly if you’re a Muslim, you submit to the Sharia…. We do believe as Muslims that the East and the West will one day be governed by Sharia. Indeed, we believe that the flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House.”

Source: Fellowship of The Minds To read the entire article please Click Here

Trucks Encircle ABC, CBS, NBC, Challenge ‘Liberal’ Media to ‘Tell The Truth’

( – Four billboard trucks bearing the message “Stop the Liberal Bias, Tell the Truth!” began circling the Manhattan headquarters of ABC, CBS, NBC, and the New York Times on Friday. The trucks will do so for eight hours every weekday for the next four weeks as part of a campaign run by the Media Research Center, a watchdog group that analyzes the media for liberal bias.
Similar trucks also are operating in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, passing the offices of the broadcast networks, the Washington Post, CNN, the Newseum, the National Press Club and Politico, and ads about the campaign are running on numerous Web sites and on conservative talk radio programs.L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center (MRC), the parent organization of, said the goal of this 2010 “Tell the Truth!” campaign “is simple: to force the liberals in the media to stop pushing an agenda and just tell the truth.”
The “liberal media news networks” need to report the facts about “massive growth in government and its control over our lives, and about spending, deficits and debt,” he told “They also need to tell the truth about the efforts to turn our country into a European-style Socialist state.”In a video about the campaign on the MRC Web site, Bozell said, “We can’t stop our efforts, we’ve got to maintain that intensity of letting the American people know exactly the fact that the socialist agenda of the Obama administration is being pushed by those same people who then look at you in the camera and say, ‘I’m nothing but an objective journalist.’ No, they’re not. They’re participants.”Concerning the billboard trucks in Manhattan, each side of one truck says, “Hey CBS, Stop the Liberal Bias, Tell the Truth!”  and the back of the truck says, “Honk If You Don’t Believe The Liberal Media.”  The other trucks bear the same message but directed at ABC, NBC, and the New York Times.
In Washington, D.C., there are also 12 delivery trucks with an identical message. But, as rented ad space, they will run their daily routes in the metro area. Six trucks are also scheduled to run in Denver, Colo. The MRC launched the 2010 “Tell The Truth!” campaign in September and, in addition to the truck ads, the watchdog group is running similar ads on the conservative Web sites Rush,, The Drudge Report and Also, the MRC is posting billboard ads of its “Tell the Truth!” message in nine cities, including Pittsburgh, Little Rock, Las Vegas, Dallas, Orlando, Seattle and Milwaukee.  TV ads will be broadcast on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” program. Further, throughout this month an ad will run on the popular conservative talk radio program The Mark Levin Show.
Source: CNSNews.Com To read entire article please Click Here

Congressman Introduces Bill to Force Obama to Deploy at Least 10,000 National Guardsmen at Mexican Border

( - Rep. Ted Poe (R.-Texas), who served for 30 years as a Texas prosecutor and judge before being elected to Congress, introduced legislation last week designed to force President Barack Obama to deploy a minimum of 10,000 National Guard troops at the U.S. Mexico border for the specific purpose of patrolling the border and intercepting aliens and smugglers attempting to cross illegally into the United States.
The legislation would allow the president to deploy more than 10,000 National Guardsmen, but not fewer. “The president could put more than that, but he must put 10,000,” Poe told“The uniqueness of this is they would be paid by the federal government, because everybody says it is the responsibility of the federal government to protect the border. So the federal government will use the resources it already has to pay for those 10,000 National Guard troops, but they will be supervised by the governors of the four states on the border.”
Source: CNSNews.Com To read entire article please Click Here